
特里顿学院为学生提供一流的设施, 教师, 工作人员, 和整个社区一起享受. 无论是最先进的教室, 体育设施, 计算机实验室, 性能的空间, 图书馆或著名的德国地球与空间中心, 澳门赌博平台 is committed to maintaining the best and most up-to-date facilities for public and private use.

我们有许多设施可供出租, 包括教室和会议空间, 计算机实验室, 餐厅, 体育及康乐设施, 还有画廊和表演空间.


The 学业成功中心 (ASC) provides face-to-face and online tutoring, 指导和学术审查研讨会. ASC还维护各种学生支持资源, 比如模型, 教科书, 视频和尖端技术.


澳门赌博平台 completed renovations on the East 校园 运动复杂 in 2017. 升级包括一个新的合成草皮多用途场地和更新, lighted baseball and softball fields with state-of-the-art field houses and bleacher buildings to give Triton's 体育运动 Program safe and sustainable playing fields. 还增加了田径部分.

点击 在这里 查询租金资料.

有关Triton学院体育项目的更多信息,请访问 www.海卫一.edu/athletics,或致电(708)456-0300,分机. 3755 or 3438.


Triton的Jerome J. Drosos School of Culinary Arts runs a fully operational retail bakery that also serves as a culinary laboratory for hospitality students. 向公众开放, 这家面包店出售各种精美的烘焙食品, 并接受特殊订单亲自或通过电话. 要从面包店订购,请致电(708)456-0300,分机. 3387. 特殊订单要求至少提前一周通知.



位于Triton校园,靠近B楼的自助餐厅, 特里顿学院书店出售和出租新的和旧的教科书. 参考书和一般阅读材料, 还有办公用品, 软件, 电子产品, 礼物, 还有Triton的全套服装可供购买.


在特里顿学院的校园里有一个公共天文馆, the 德国地球与空间中心 offers regularly scheduled Earth and sky shows, 儿童节目, 激光显示. 德国地球和航天中心有一个93个座位的圆顶剧院. It also provides a unique location for meetings, receptions or employee appreciation nights. The Star Store gift shop offers unique items for science enthusiasts of all ages.


The Triton学院儿童发展中心 offers pre-school and toddler programs. 弹性工作制是为有孩子的学生提供的特殊计划. While students attend classes, children learn in a safe, caring environment on the college campus. The 儿童发展中心 Lab School at 澳门赌博平台 offers a range of high-quality, supervised educational programs for children ages 15 months through 5 years that are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Children participate in developmentally appropriate activities with teachers and classmates.


Triton保持着高质量的教室, 实验室, 以及配备最先进电子设备的演讲厅, 电脑, 视听服务. 这些设施中有许多可以以合理的价格出租.



The 教育技术资源中心(ETRC) provides support for multi-factor authentication (MFA), 所有在线/黑板课程, 学生入门网站, 和Triton学生邮箱, 亲自提供, 电话, 还有在线定向, 在线教程, 微软应用教程, 以及微软应用程序认证测试. The test is available by signing up through the 继续教育 Department; the cost for each test is $80.00美元外加5美元的挂号费.00. Additionally, the lab features current technology and 软件 for students.


Triton新装修的健身中心于2017年完工. 健身中心位于R楼的下层, 在Triton校园的东侧. 你是否更喜欢自由举重, 有氧运动, 类或三者的组合, 新的6,000 square foot center features top of the line equipment along with experienced 健身中心 工作人员 and instructors who will guide you on your path to fitness. The renovation also includes new locker rooms with individual shower stalls. For more information or to sign up to use the 健身中心, please call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3825.


澳门赌博平台's food service is operated by TriCafe in the cafeteria located in the B Building. R楼和H楼也有小吃店. 自动售货机也遍布校园.


Triton’s Health and Sciences Facility features a 外科手术技术 and dissection lab, a relaxed seating area and collaborative learning spaces with Wi-Fi capability. It is also equipped with tools and equipment used by today’s professionals in the health industry and sciences fields, giving students experience with the type of equipment they’ll work with once they enter the workforce. 该设施设有包括护理在内的教育项目, 外科手术技术, 诊断医学超声和眼科.



2016年新装修, the 酒店示范厨房和小酒馆 is  preparing students for hospitality industry careers like culinary arts, 餐厅管理和饮料管理. 翻新的空间包含了最先进的技术, 环保设备,反映当前的行业标准. This includes a USB-programmable combination oven that can heat and steam at the time, 感应燃烧器和一流的浓缩咖啡机. Newly installed monitors and cameras will support the demonstration component of the classroom.


Fine Arts Programs, the Art Gallery, and the Cox Theatre are located in the J建筑.


特里顿学院关心的是如何让哺乳妈妈们澳门皇冠线上里感到受欢迎. Rooms are available to all members of the Triton community and guests on campus. 在所有地方,哺乳期的母亲都需要提供自己的吸奶器. 不允许在房间存放个人物品或牛奶.



b - 240房间
708-456-0300, X-3383

g - 109房间
708-456-0300, X-3359



对学生和公众开放, 位于A楼的Triton学院图书馆藏书超过75本,000本书和其他资料, 475个当前期刊订阅, 以及期刊文章的大量印刷和电子索引.
Triton学院图书馆提供课程驱动的资源, 指令, and programs to increase student success and meet the diverse academic and information needs of the college community.



Triton offers a wide selection of meeting and/or dining room space that can be configured to accommodate groups of different sizes. 这些设施中有许多可以以合理的价格出租.


精选近100门在线课程, 澳门赌博平台 offers the essential flexibility and convenience you require to complete your education. 在线 learning is can be combined with traditional classes to fit education into your busy life.


罗伯特·M. 柯林斯礼堂, 位于R楼表演艺术中心(东校区), 舒适地容纳412位客人.


The 专业发展中心 (PDC) promotes a campus wide commitment to lifelong professional learning through diverse activities and resources that enhance the teaching for learning process. Triton PDC为全职和兼职教师提供资源, 包括车间, 课程, 识别事件, 袋装午餐, 辅导项目, 书籍及刊物. 配电柜位于E楼E-210室.



提供丰富的运动和娱乐设施, 包括室内和室外运动场和球场, 健身中心, 舞蹈工作室, 演艺中心, 室内跑道和游泳池. 这些设施大多以合理的价格出租.


工程技术, Automotive Technology and Visual Communications Programs are located in the T Building.


Triton's beautiful new 学生中心 (B Building) now serves as a one-stop shop for students to access essential services including registration, 建议, 经济援助及其他. 自助餐厅的装修令人印象深刻, 以现代家具为特色,可以让学生吃饭, 在舒适和时尚的环境中进行社交和学习. 在学生中心的二楼, grab a bite to eat at Café 64 or the 酒店示范厨房和小酒馆. The 学生生活 area is located on the second floor of the student center, 为学生们提供了无数种参与特里顿俱乐部的方式, 组织, 学生会等.


The 写作区 works directly with instructors in order to better understand the needs of students. 写作区为学生撰写论文提供帮助 ,  ESL会话表,提高英语技能, 以及其他需要书写的领域, 阅读和口语. 写作区有配备读写软件的电脑. 学生可以使用这个空间来完成他们的作业.
